The Firm- The firm supplies Scientific Conceptual Branding and Brand Engineering services to leading firms and corporations in Israel.
- The firm developed unique models – Bar E-MOP, Bar E-Brand and Bar E-Brand E – which contribute to produce stable preferences toward the brand and readiness to pay more for it.
The President- Dr. Ruth Bar, BEMM's CEO, is a psychologist and a specialist in Branding and brand Engineering, and acts as consultant in Marketing and Advertising strategies to leading firms and corporations in Israel.
- An expert on persuasion, attitude change and decision making, the subject of her Ph.D. dissertation for the Department of Psychology of Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
The Staff
- BEMM employs a skilled team of psychologists and sociologists, specially trained in the unique models and methods of the firm.
- The company conducts qualitative and quantitative in-depth research and surveys - projects abroad are optional.
- BEMM uses unique psychological devices developed by the firm and statistical methods among the world's most advanced of their kind.
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